Friday, April 12, 2013

Naughtiness of my daughter - 2

We are doing alteration in the house according to Vaastu Sastra! Hence the house itself a total mess with workers in and out of the house.

This time my daughter had hidden the house key again. We searched and couldnt find out. This time the search team were 4! My husband had to use the Car for everything for one and half days.

Then while taking the vacuum cleaner to clean the house, we found it not working properly and lots of small items were coming out of the blower duct - bits of paper, colour pencil, sketch, wooden pieces, small ball. Finally my husband guessed that the key should be in there. He peeped into the hole and found a glimpse of the key. 

We let of a sigh of relief and dismantled the vacuum cleaner as she had put it in the blower duct. 

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