Saturday, October 1, 2016

Questions of my DD1 -May 2016

DD1-- This is for you to see when you grow up. You are 5 Years, 10 months now. You are asking so many questions. As your dad kept on saying to keep a note of them, I am putting this as blog.

1. Why the water level rises when the crow puts the stone in  the pot?[Thirsty crow story]

2. Why do some people have grey/white hair? [pointing to an 35+years person]
Answer: They are intelligent

3. Why do some people have fair skin?

Answer: God gave them
Mamma, They are very pretty na?
Answer: Who said? If you smile you are pretty. Also, people who read so much and intelligent are pretty. 
Mamma, Can girls have short hair?
Answer: Ofcourse. [Thanks to google]

4. Why do we have five fingers?

5. Is there yellow colour sheep? I am wearing yellow colour dress.
No. Sheep is not in yellow colour. Also, you are wearing cotton dress. I comes from farmers. The colours are added as dye.

6. Where do colours come from?
Naturally from Tomato, Turmeric. Artificially from chemicals. 

7. What are chemicals?

8. Who created God?