Monday, December 7, 2015

M1 Story telling First Prize

M1 got first prize in story telling contest.

She told the honest wood cutter story. She used properties of golden, silver and wooden axe.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Giraffe and Eagle

Once upon a time there lived a Giraffe. Giraffe was eating grass. One day an Eagle saw the Giraffe. 

It told the Giraffe there is a lion near the tree. If you go near, the lion will eat you. The Giraffe said can you help me. 

The eagle caught the giraffe's tail and flew in the sky. The Giraffe asked how can you fly high?
The Eagle said, I am so strong. 

The Giraffe smelled the clouds. It died.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Sources of Energy - Elocution in UKG - First Prize

1.       Energy is the ability to do a work.
2.       We need energy to walk, to play, to cook our food, etc.
3.       There are different forms of energy. We use heat energy to cook our food. Light energy helps us to see. Sound energy helps us to hear. The food we eat contains chemical energy. Electrical energy is used in TV, Laptop and Phones.
4.       We produce energy from lots of resources. They are of 2 types:
-Non Renewable Energy Sources
-Renewable Energy Sources
5.       Now I will tell about, Non Renewable sources
A resource once consumed, cannot be replaced is called Non-renewable resources.
Non Renewable sources are Fossil fuels like Oil & Nuclear Energy. Fossil fuels are Coal, oil and Natural Gas.
a.       Coal is used to generate Electricity.
b.      Oil gives us petrol and Diesel. Petrol and Diesel are used in vehicles.
c.       Natural gas is used for cooking.
6.       Now I will tell about, Renewable energy sources
resource that is unlimited or can be replaced is called Renewable resource.
Renewable Energy sources are Sun, Wind, Water, Bio Mass Energy and Geo thermal Energy.
a.       Sun gives us Solar Energy. Plants use sunlight to prepare their food. We use Solar Water heaters to get hot water.
b.      Wind Energy & Water are used to generate electricity.
c.       Bio Mass refers to Waste recycling & wood.
d.      Bio Mass & Geo thermal power are used to generate the electricity.
7.       Currently, we use non-renewable resources to generate elecctricity. They pollute the environment. We should use Renewable resources for a healthy living.
8.      So Friends, next time when we leave the room, we should switch off the light and Fan.
Finally, Lets Save Energy.  
Thank you

Friday, July 17, 2015

Making tangram

Dimensions of Tangrams

A square is divided up into 16 equal squares. 
Diagonal lines are drawn to produce 7 shapes.
2 Big triangles
1 Medium triangle
2 small triangles
1 square
1 parallelogram


Another way to make a Tangram is to cut up material as shown below.

Dimensions of Tangrams

How to fold up Tangrams

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thanks my first daughter M1

My DD1 is now getting more and more matured. She like DD2 so much.

There are few things which I want to remind DD2 when she grows up.

  • DD2 tears of DD1's books. But DD1 will say "its ok mamma". If I just misplace her book, she would be angry at me... but for her sister, she is wonderful
  • DD2 cries. DD1 tries to settle her down.
  • DD2's poor eating habits. :( DD1 comes to help me to feed her.
  • DD2 irritates me and raise my voice on DD2... DD1 furiously scolds me... My God... She doesnt want anyone to scold her...
  • DD1 feeds dosa
  • DD1 includes DD2 politely in her play
If it weren't for DD1, I would have gone mad.

Love my DD1 always!!
Amazing child!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

General First aid reminder for Febrile fits for M2

First aid reminder : 
Don't panic & act like a Head Nurse
Lay her on her sides on the floor
Head tilted to side so the saliva comes out
Add ventilation to the room
Give her nasal spray in both nostrils
Note the duration of her Fits
Take a small video of her. (To monitor the twists)

Note 1 : Rush to hospital if the duration is more than 5 mins


Note 2 : 
If returned to normal breathing. Let her sleep/unconscious sleep.

Check temperature
give her fever medicine 125mg in 5 ml every 4 hours
and Frisium tablet 5mg 1 - 0 -1

Febrile Fits of my 1 year old daughter

My Pretty angel M2 had febrile fits for the second time yesterday! (First was in March 30 2015). 

First time : 
Note : No fever
Fits while I was feeding her. 

Fits for 2 minutes

She settled in 2 minutes but was drowsy. We rushed to the hospital in 10 minutes. 

First aid: 
Nurse put 1/2 of 5 mg Frisium in her anus. 

The fever raised 99.8 F. After 10 minutes it was 101 F. We gave fever medicine. After half an hour, the fever started dropping.

Evaluation :
Done an EEG and MRI and the doctor has confirmed this to be Febrile Fits.

The EEG was not upto the doc's expectation but the MRI was clear.

We were given a spray(MIDASPRAY) Midazolam Nasal Spray Dosage : spray in both nostrils
Frisium 5 mg 1-0-1 for 3 days(or till fever lasts)

We are advised to have an follow up EEG after six months.

Second time :

Note : No fever
After giving her early dinner and while giving water she started becoming disoriented.

First aid reminder : 
Don't panic & act like a Head Nurse
Laid her on her sides on the floor
Switched on the fan to add ventilation to the room
Gave her nasal spray.
Took a small video of her. (To monitor the twists)

Gave Frisium medicine when she started settling down(completely wrong since her breathing was not normal yet.)

Fits for 2 minutes
Difficulty in breathing for 5 to 10 minutes
Slept for 20 minutes. (While sleeping : Temp : 99.8 F. Gave Fever medicine + should give frisium now)
Normal Activity after waking up.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Puzzle for 5-7 year old #2

logic problem

Answer : 2

Explanation : 
The number of circles in the numbers


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Puzzle for 5-7 Year old #1

Brain teaser: This logic problem from a Hong Kong elementary school entrance exam has become a viral sensation, leaving many adults stumped. Children, however, can solve it in 20 secondsĀ 

Answer :  87

Explanation :
Flip the page. The numbers are from 86 to 91


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Swimming of my 5 year old

My daughter has learnt basic swimming.... Front crawl technique!!

It took ~15 to 20 days continuous practice.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

To Make my Daughter Read

1. Teach jolly phonics songs
2. Practice 3 letter words
3. Dolch word list practice
4. Practice simple sentence
5. Practice simple stories

Hurray.. My little daughter is now reading simple words and stories!!